On Friday, December 20th, not even the snow could stop about 30 Andover Rotarians, family and friends from ringing the bell in front of Old Town Hall for the Salvation
Army of Lawrence. For seven consecutive years, the Andover Rotary had collected the most amount of donations in one day for the Salvation Army. This year, we almost beat our rival, Free Christian Church, but fell short coming in at second place raising over $1550. We are a bit disappointed for not being able to defend our title but overjoyed that so many generous individuals stopped to make a donation.
Or ... were they stopped by Andover Rotarian Doug Mercurio who jumped into traffic with his snow brush to clean off windshields and then ask for a donation? Doug truly embraces our motto of "where doing good is serious fun".
Pictured Above: Rotarians Paul Mercandetti, Mark Spencer, Amy Salant, Doug Mercurio and Claudia Soo Hoo.